miércoles, 16 de marzo de 2005


Mr. Rodrigo de Rato, Managing Director of the International Monetary Fund (IMF), issued the following statement today: “I welcome the news of the proposal by President Bush of Paul Wolfowitz to lead the World Bank. If he is confirmed by the member countries, Mr. Wolfowitz will bring to the Bank an impressive record of public service with extensive experience of management and of international affairs, in particular in Asia and the Middle East. I will look forward to working with him. I also wish to salute the effective leadership of the World Bank by James Wolfensohn over the past decade.”

1 comentario:

ProfMKD dijo...


This just in from a gaggle of DC-based NGOS....

• Wolfowitz has been invited to a meeting of European Union heads of state on Tuesday (22 March) at which his nomination is on the agenda.
• The Board of Directors is expected to vote on the nomination by March 31.
• There is strong, widespread opposition to Wolfowitz among WB staff, and the WB Staff Association has issued a statement declaring it wants staff views to be considered before a final decision is taken.
• Congresswoman Betty McCollum (D-Minnesota) issued a press release against Wolfowitz and is seeking other support on Capitol Hill with some difficulty.
• Bono has apparently had two phone conversations with Wolfowitz. It’s unclear whether Bono has endorsed Wolfowitz’ nomination.