La campaña de Barak Obama tiene el secreto de sumar voluntades a través de la red. Un día preguntas pero al dia siguiente es el aspirante o su mujer o cualquier voluntario el que llama a tu puerta. Desde hace seis meses mi correo puede encontrarse siempre con alguna sorpresa. Ted Kennedy y luego su sobrina Caroline me pidieron -como antes Michelle y el propio Barak- un donativo de 25 $ . Aqui esta el resultado, un video que es uno de los mejores ejemplos de propaganda política en este año electoral del 2008
Magin -- A friend sent me this video over the weekend. After nearly a year on the campaign trail, I've seen a lot of things that have touched me deeply, but I had to share this with you: http://my.barackobama.com/yeswecan Sharing this video, which was created by supporters, is one more way to help start a conversation with your friends, family, coworkers, and anyone else who will be voting soon about the issues important to them in this election. Right now people like you are making phone calls, emailing friends, and doing everything they can to reach voters before the big vote tomorrow. This is our moment -- please do what you can to help. Thank you so much, Michelle
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